Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Banana bread pancakes

Mmmm, banana's smashed into the pancake mix makes all the difference. And with a little cinnamon and maybe some walnuts if you'd like, it creates that banana bread flavor.

Banana bread pancake
In the batter:

1/4 cup oat bran
2 TB. Bob's apple cinnamon hot cereal
1/4 tsp. baking powder
egg whites
1/4 mashed banana
dash cinnamon and salt

Topped off with a dusting of cinnamon and unsweetened cocoa, a sprinkling of unsweetened coconut, and some almond butter. Served with a side of blueberries.

You could step this up by adding some chocolate chips or nuts to the mix. Or maybe the mix and on top if you wanna get crazy.

I have another long day today so I'm up early to do a bootcamp workout. I really didn't wanna get my but out of bed, but I knew it must be done.

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