Friday, September 10, 2010


I have been running all around town since I left work today. I went to buy the bike I found on line and they didn't have it at the first location I went to. But I got all setup with sizing and riding tips and was given assistance on finding the right bike. Once they found the bike I wanted, which was different then the one I had originally planned on (but better and even cheaper) across town I headed that way. It was about an hour cross town, but I wanted that bike and I wanted it now.

I got there, tested out the bike, picked out my accessories, paid, and loaded it into my car. I then had to drive to REI to get a bike helmet (the bike store didn't have what I wanted and I knew REI did).

While waiting in line to pay for my helmet I spotted these on the bottom shelf. I couldn't believe my eyes, I have been keeping an eye out for the new flavors for the past month. I stayed calm and controlled and limited myself to two bars of each.
REI is also right next to Whole Foods so I went in and picked up a salad along with a quinoa sweet potato Pattie. I saw these patties in the case and had to get one. I have never seen them before, I think it's just quinoa, sweet potato, cranberries, and some spices, it was really good. I also added some pickles, peppercini's, and hummus to my salad when I got home.

This weekend I'm hitting the road to test out my new bike.

1 comment:

  1. Please show us a picture of your new bike, and ride safe.
