While I was at the grocery store today I decided to pickup some Kodiak Cake brownies. I have been wanting to make these for a while but they are always so expensive. Today they were on sale and brownies are Jeff's favorite treat.
I love the companies philosophy. They want to make products how they used to be made. With all natural ingredients and whole grains.
These brownies are made with 100% whole wheat flour and cane juice, and there are no additives or preservatives used.
I had a bite and they are the BEST brownies ever. I'm saving them for dessert later. They are worth the expensive price. I also have a box of their whole wheat pancake mix that I want to try out one of these weekends. I think they also make a whole wheat cookie mix. Now I will be on the hunt for that.
So run and get these and don't think twice about the price, they are that good.
I keep eyeballing the pancake mix on blogs - they look so good! But - never seen it in stores here. The brownies look great, too :)