Sunday, June 6, 2010

Comforting dinner

With the rainy weather and an afternoon of baking, I have been enjoying the coziness of a candle. It's hard to believe that it's June here, it feels like October.

The weather required a cozy dinner made in the crock pot. In the crock pot I put one package of Tj's basil chicken sausage sliced, 1 large can Tj's marinara sauce, 1 can tomato paste, and 1 partial jar red pepper and artichoke tapenade, and some spices. I let it cook on low for 4hrs. I put the sauce on top of some Bob's quinoa that I cooked with some spices.

In the bottom of the bowl is quinoa, topped with raw sliced zucchini, and then the marinara sauce. Between the heat from the quinoa and the sauce, the zucchini was able to warm up.

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving the mix of the raw zucchini + warm sauce!! That would be a great quick dinner some night!
