Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A little lemon can add variety

I skipped my mid morning snack today. I just wasn't hungry yet. Instead I had lunch early today. I had a whole wheat flatbread with hummus, turkey, carrots, and zucchini. With all the veggies the wrap wouldn't stay closed, so I improvised with a prop for the picture. On the side was a little bunch of grapes.

In the afternoon I had some Tj's non fat plain Greek yogurt with 2 TB. of Wallaby's lemon yogurt mixed in (the last of it leftover from the cake I made). It was really good mixed with the Greek yogurt. It added a subtle lemony sweet flavor, but it wasn't over powering. I think I might try adding some other yogurt flavors. This would add a little flavor but keep the sugar minimal. In the yogurt I added strawberries and Bob's all natural coconut granola mixed with a little Tj's low fat almond granola, and some unsweetened coconut mixed in.


  1. Dear Oregon healthy girl, I need your help! I have Trader Joe anxiety. You mention so many of their items, but when I got to the store I was like a deer in the headlights. So many unusual things, what's good, what's not. I'm a Campbell soup and Safeway store brand kind of girl. What did she recommend, good grief! I think I should have made a list.

    I ended up just getting some lunch items and that's all. Is there anything they sell that the average consumer, me, may think is healthy, but is a wolf in sheep clothing? I bought some cranberry goat cheese and read the label, but it has 4 grams of trans fat. Yikes.

  2. I have my list shopping list on here. You just need to read the nutrition and the ingredients list, that is your insight into everything. And if you can't understand the ingredients, it's probably made in a factory by a scientist and shouldn't be eaten.

    Cheese is cheese, it's fine in moderation. So enjoy your cranberry goat cheese, just don't eat it everyday of your life forever.

  3. You also should go to Trader Joes when you have time to peruse the isles and read labels. They have great food, you just have to check it out.

  4. Time is what I'm doing wrong. I always go when I don't have much time.

    I thought a little cranberry goat cheese, in moderation, would be good on a turkey sandwich and it was excellent.

    I'll keep reading your great blog and I'll get there. It's not about one shopping trip.

