Saturday, December 18, 2010

Power of light

Thank goodness for lights. We lost power last night around midnight and it was very windy. We were not prepared at all with our winter preparations for such an event. Luckily by the time I got up this morning the power was back.

Which is good because my first thought after I found out the power was out was that I would have to get dressed and do my makeup with a flashlight, not fun. And I would have to have cold cereal for breakfast, also made and eaten in the dark with no hot tea.

Luckily it all turned around.
In the bowl:
1/4 cup quick oats
2 Tb. Bob's spice n nice hot cereal
3/4 cup hot water
dash soymilk
heated in the microwave for about 30 sec.
Topped with
pear sauce
peach all fruit spread
almond flax nut butter
dark chocolate chips
Yogi walnut spice granola
vanilla almond puffins

All while sipping on a cup of peppermint green tea. I'm so glad I got to have a hot breakfast.


  1. You don't think about how important electricity is till you don't have any. Glad you got it back.

  2. Loved the title and the breakfast!
    And, as Jill said above - I'm glad the electricity's back. Nobody likes getting dressed and ready in the dark ;)
