Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Life changing

Crunchy icy snow is still here. Last night I went to a friends house and we watched Eat, Pray, Love. It was an AMAZING movie. I can totally relate to it. Where my life is at the moment and the personal things I'm going through. I highly recommend this movie. I know the book is also amazing so I'm going to pick that up and give it a read. It was strange how much I could relate to it. It was like my life being outlined.

On to breakfast.

It's only 20 degree's this morning. I better bundle up before heading to the gym.

In the pot:
1/4 cup oats
1 TB. Bob's muesli
1 TB. Bob's spice n nice hot cereal
1/4 tsp. chia seeds
1 cup hot water
splash soymilk

Topped with
sliced banana
Tj's sunflower nut butter
drizzle of raw honey
I later added some of my homemade cherry almond granola

Today is dancers workout (a mix of ballet and pilates) and kickboxing. What a great workout the day before Thanksgiving. Should be a lot of fun.


  1. The oat dish looks delicious! And what a fab workout at the gym! I'd love to get out and take more classes, but I can't seem to fit it into my schedule. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I'm looking forward to watching that movie also.
