Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fold and flip

Even though it was really nice out today, I headed to the gym. I needed to do some resistance training and the gym is the best place for that. I did a full upper body workout followed by 30 min. on the stairs. The gym is under some MAJOR renovations/upgrades. So everything is dirty and cramped. Not the best workout conditions.

I picked up some turkey sage breakfast sausage at the store the other day. The kind I get is in the bulk meat area behind the counter, similar to whole foods. The sausage is SUPER lean and really good.

I made my famous omelet and filled it with the turkey sausage, red bell pepper, reduced fat cheddar cheese, sea salt, and Italian seasoning. I think I put in too many fillings, but it tasted good, just hard to fold and flip.

Served with a toasted slice of Great Harvest nine grain bread spread with raspberry all fruit spread.


  1. That sausage sounds good, I'll check it out.

  2. You've put oatmeal in everything else, what about eggs?
