I was feel a little snacky hungry come dinner time, since we had lunch around 2pm today.
I wanted something that was a snack and a dessert. I also wanted to try one of my newest cereals, which I might add is amazing. I don't usually like the other Kashi GoLean cereal's, but this mixed berry crisp is so good.
I combined three different cereals along with, 1/4 tsp. chia seeds, 1/2 of a diced organic local peach, from my produce delivery, and a scoop of Julies vanilla bean frozen yogurt. Oh yes I did! I also added a few splashes of almond milk.
Let's just say, best idea ever. It's like a crispy cold peach crisp.
I love Go Lean Crisp toasted berry crumble, sooo good! And now I have a new fun idea using it for dessert. I will definitely have to try it, thanks for the tip :)